When We Long for What We Had

When we experience something good, it seems to be human nature to try and duplicate it.   “Last time it was wonderful. I’m going to do it the same way again!” “God answered my prayer when I prayed that way. I’ve found the secret. I’m going to pray like that every...
Five Reasons Why Loss is so HARD

Five Reasons Why Loss is so HARD

Loss is hard. One of my best friends died at age 12 and left me in a fog. My dad’s death when I was 15 shattered my world. Every loss since has been difficult and sometimes traumatic. I felt punched in the gut or like I had been hit by a train. Even if death was...

The paperback of Please Be Patient, I'm Grieving is out!

We all grieve. We need each other, badly. That’s why I wrote Please Be Patient, I’m Grieving: How to Care For and Support the Grieving Heart. I hoped and prayed that together we could get this book into the hands of those who needed it.   So far, the...


People out there are hurting. People like us. Grieving people need to feel heard and understood. Sadly, most seem to feel misunderstood, judged, belittled, and even rejected. It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time we took the grieving heart seriously. That’s why I...

4 Steps for Surviving Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can be hard, especially if you’ve lost someone. I used to think the whole Valentine’s affair was silly. Candy, chocolates, cards, and flowers. Growing up, I saw a lot of show, but little substance. Now, I see the day differently....

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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