Difference Makers: Here’s Your COVID-19 Mindset Check!

Difference Makers: Here’s Your COVID-19 Mindset Check!

Thanks for being a part of our Difference Maker Community. Difference-making begins in the mind and the heart. How we think about things – what thoughts we allow to reside in our minds – determines a lot. Our mindset – what we choose to set our minds...
5 Tips: Grief, Fear, and Coronavirus

5 Tips: Grief, Fear, and Coronavirus

The world is different. Life has changed.  The coronavirus struck silently and quickly. The ripple effects began immediately and morphed into the current tsunami that we are now trying to manage. Every day, we wake up to a different scenario. The speed of it all is...
When Guilt Invades our Grief…

When Guilt Invades our Grief…

Guilt is a frequent visitor in grieving hearts. This post, adapted from Comfort for the Grieving Spouse’s Heart: Hope and Healing After Losing Your Partner, talks about this invading monster than only ends up adding to our pain. No matter what you loss, chances...
When Your Family is Forever Changed

When Your Family is Forever Changed

When a family member departs, the familial web changes shape. Everything is different. Though this article is about the loss of a parent (from Comfort for the Grieving Adult Child’s Heart: Hope and Healing After Losing Your Parent), much of what is said could be...
When We Feel Orphaned

When We Feel Orphaned

When someone dies or leaves, we can feel left behind. Our personal worlds are altered forever. This article is adapted from the newly released Comfort for the Grieving Adult Child’s Heart. No matter what loss you’re currently dealing with, I think...
Making Holiday Decisions with a Broken Heart

Making Holiday Decisions with a Broken Heart

After the holidays, I ran into Chris and Karen in the grocery store. They seemed to be moving in slow motion, shuffling their feet and staring blankly ahead. I was almost on top of them before they noticed me. They looked exhausted. Chris said, “When Karen’s mom...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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