The Guilt List Has No End

The Guilt List Has No End

After the death of someone we love, guilt usually comes knocking. It can be heavy. Persistent. Relentless. It can feel like the guilt list has no end. What do we do with this? The following is an excerpt from Comfort for Grieving Hearts. I think you’ll be able...
Finding Peace Amid the Holiday Grief Chaos

Finding Peace Amid the Holiday Grief Chaos

Loss is terribly painful. The grief journey can feel chaotic at times. Especially at around Christmas. For grieving hearts, this season can elevate our pain even further. We can feel sad, angry, depressed, anxious, fearful, guilty, and confused. Emotional overwhelm is...
When We’re Drained and Exhausted

When We’re Drained and Exhausted

Loss is terribly painful – especially during the holiday season. Christmas is coming. Soon. Grieving hearts are already drained and exhausted. How are we supposed to “do” Christmas? Here’s another Grief Affirmation for you. This grief journey...
How do I deal with this awful anxiety?

How do I deal with this awful anxiety?

I feel shaky inside. I’m skittish and nervous. I’m anxious about everything now. What is happening to me? How do I deal with this? Anxiety is extremely common during times of loss. Most of us deal with some anxiety on a daily basis. We live in an anxious world. Some...
What do I do when grief leads to anger?

What do I do when grief leads to anger?

I’m angry about what happened. Surely someone could have done something. Why did this have to happen? Why do we have to die? What do I do with this anger? Anger is a powerful emotion. It is a natural and common part of the grief process. Almost everyone experiences...
Why can’t people respect my grief?

Why can’t people respect my grief?

“Why can’t people respect my grief?” Have you ever thought or said this? I have. Many times, in fact. Some people might have some sympathy for us. Some might even be empathetic. But surely, everyone should be able to respect our grief, right? Sadly,...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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