3 Reasons Why Grief is So Intense

3 Reasons Why Grief is So Intense

Loss smacks us like a tsunami. It leaves us stunned and shaken, wondering what hit us. Grief can be intense.   From the Grieving Heart: How could this happen? This can’t be real. You’re going to walk through that door any moment, I just know it. The...
5 Tips for Winning the Depression Battle

5 Tips for Winning the Depression Battle

“I eat. He drinks. I talk. He doesn’t. We both go through the motions, trying to somehow be strong for our other kids. Every day is an uphill battle,” Mandy shared. Mandy and Mike’s son Marcus had been looking forward to college for years. He was a serious student,...
5 Things Every Grieving Heart Needs

5 Things Every Grieving Heart Needs

Grieving hearts need five things to survive, grieve, and live again: We need comfort. We need safety. We need hope. We need healing. We need each other. First of all, comfort. Loss is painful. Separation hurts. Oblivious to our suffering, the world around us speeds on...
3 Keys to Remember about Grief and Emotional Pain

3 Keys to Remember about Grief and Emotional Pain

“Does it ever get any better? Everyone says I should be over this or further along.” Annette said. Annette’s daughter Kimberly was the younger of two girls. She loved pink, dogs, and horses. If she had the option, she would have lived outside. She...
3 Tips for Dealing with Critical, Unhelpful People

3 Tips for Dealing with Critical, Unhelpful People

“People can be so insensitive and mean. Do they realize what they’re saying?” Janet said, wringing a napkin in her hands. Janet’s daughter Courtney was a tough and determined survivor. Diagnosed with lymphoma in her late teens, Courtney battled...
5 Ways to Make a Difference, Even While Hurting

5 Ways to Make a Difference, Even While Hurting

The following is an excerpt from Teen Grief: Caring for the Grieving Teenage Heart. Grief loneliness hits all of us. I’ll bet you can relate. The suggestions at the end apply to all of us who want to help others who are grieving. Here are 5 ways to make a difference,...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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