Grief is like an ongoing storm.

Grief is like an ongoing storm.

Grief is a storm of sorts. An ongoing, relentless, and sometimes severe storm.Loss creates upheaval and change. Our old normal is shattered. Our sense of safety and security can evaporate.We’re sad, anxious, fearful, and angry. We sometimes feel guilty,...
COVID Era Loss: A Total Grief Disaster

COVID Era Loss: A Total Grief Disaster

This is a tough post to write. It will be hard to read. But it’s true. We’ve lived it. We’re still living it. COVID. Coronavirus disease. Two-and-a-half years ago, we had never heard of it. Today, it seems to work it’s way into almost every...
How Faith Can Make a Difference in Grief

How Faith Can Make a Difference in Grief

If anyone had told me what the last two years were going to be like, I wouldn’t have believed them. I still have trouble believing a lot of what I’m seeing around me in the world. Perhaps you are too. Our own losses combined with the current world upheaval...
Grief can be sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.

Grief can be sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.

Grief can be sneaky. When I experience a loss. Some grief comes out. Some stays inside. Over time, the grief that stays inside begins to build up. Soon or later, it leaks out (or spews out). When I began working as a hospice chaplain – over a dozen years ago now...
Ever felt stuck in grief?

Ever felt stuck in grief?

Grief can be sneaky. A couple of months ago, Liz Carey, a writer for GoodRx, contacted me wanting to do an article on how to live with grief.As we talked, the interview took a different direction than I had anticipated. Liz asked me if I had personally ever felt stuck...
“We’re swimming in grief!”

“We’re swimming in grief!”

I don’t know about you, but I see grief everywhere.A few weeks ago, Diane Hullet asked me to be on her podcast to talk about this very thing. As Diane said, “It feels like we’re all swimming in grief.”The world has changed. The world is...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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