“I can’t even get grief right!”

“I can’t even get grief right!”

“I can’t even get grief right!” Stacey felt like a failure. Her recent loss had taken a huge toll. She felt like a child again. She felt vulnerable. She felt small. She felt like she couldn’t do anything well or get anything right. Like she...
Is Grief Stress Messing with You?

Is Grief Stress Messing with You?

Grief is a form of stress. Grief is an ongoing, intense form of stress. This grinding, relentless stress messes with us. “Messes with…” is a common phrase where I live down in Texas. Perhaps it came from an anti-litter campaign decades ago called...
New book Soul Cry is now available!

New book Soul Cry is now available!

I wanted to let you know that Soul Cry is now available. Soul Cry is currently on new release special for the next few days: The Kindle edition is more than 80% off its eventual retail price at only $0.99. The Nook and eBook editions are also currently only $0.99. The...
Our Souls are Crying Out

Our Souls are Crying Out

People have asked me to share more about what my new book Soul Cry is about. To answer this, let me share a portion of the introduction to the book. What Soul Cry is All About Our souls are crying out.   The world is shaking. Things are changing rapidly, and not...
Is Peace of Mind Possible While Grieving?

Is Peace of Mind Possible While Grieving?

Throughout the month of June, we’ve been talking about things that steal our peace – peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace in our relationships. First, we talked about 10 Peace Thieves – 10 things most of us struggle with that steal peace from us....
Are These Thieves Stealing Your Peace?

Are These Thieves Stealing Your Peace?

In my last post, I began talking about some of the things that can seriously disrupt our lives and our grief journey. I called them peace thieves. Last time, we talked about five of these sneaky culprits: hurry, worry, noise, busy-ness, and comparison. These saboteurs...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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