When Life is Full of Scary Stuff

When Life is Full of Scary Stuff

Life is full of scary stuff. I don’t like fear. In fact, I despise it. There are times when it’s reasonable and appropriate – even life-saving. Most of time, however, the terrors I entertain in my brain only lock me down and keep me from engaging...
9 Keys to Holiday Sanity While Grieving

9 Keys to Holiday Sanity While Grieving

Holidays can make us crazy. Add loss and grief into the mix, and many of us wonder how we’re going to get through this.   Holidays can be crazy-making times. “I’m scared. It’s like I’m frozen and can’t move. How do I face life without my husband?” Tina asked....
3 Steps to Sane Holiday Decision-Making

3 Steps to Sane Holiday Decision-Making

One Sunday afternoon during the holidays, I ran into Chris and Karen in the grocery store. They seemed to be moving in slow motion, shuffling their feet and staring blankly ahead. I was almost on top of them before they noticed me. They looked exhausted. “Hey guys....
5 Keys to Sanity When Grief is Driving You Crazy

5 Keys to Sanity When Grief is Driving You Crazy

Loss is stunning. At some point in the grief process, most people feel a little unhinged or like they are going crazy.   From the Grieving Heart: I’m forgetting things.  Appointments. Where I put my car keys. What I came into the room for.  I’m losing...
5 Reasons Loss Stuns (Even Immobilizes) Us

5 Reasons Loss Stuns (Even Immobilizes) Us

Loss stuns us. How could this happen? They were just here.   From the Grieving Heart: How could this happen? This can’t be real. You’re going to walk through that door any moment, I just know it.  The tears start to flow. They morph into sobs. I can...
5 Threats That Can Crush Grieving Hearts

5 Threats That Can Crush Grieving Hearts

“I’m running, pure and simple,” Bart said. “I was never good enough. When Tad died, I knew it was my fault somehow. I fell back into all the old stuff so easily.” Bart’s son Tad was a lively, active kid. He was into everything as soon as...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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