Where Did Everyone Go?

Where Did Everyone Go?

“Where did everyone go?” I’ve heard this statement many times from grieving hearts. After a loss, our relationships begin to change. People pull back. Some disappear. Others try to support us but have no idea what to do. Still others evaluate us and...
What do I do when grief leads to anger?

What do I do when grief leads to anger?

I’m angry about what happened. Surely someone could have done something. Why did this have to happen? Why do we have to die? What do I do with this anger? Anger is a powerful emotion. It is a natural and common part of the grief process. Almost everyone experiences...
When Grief Leads to Guilt

When Grief Leads to Guilt

After the death of a loved one, guilt tends to surface. We wonder what we could’ve done that we didn’t. There are things we did and said that we regret. “I feel guilty,” is a common statement from grieving hearts. The following is an excerpt...
Everyone Wants Me to Feel Better

Everyone Wants Me to Feel Better

“Everyone wants me to feel better.” I’ve felt that a lot. I’ll bet you have too. It seems that loss and pain are unpopular in our world (even though everyone experiences them). We run from pain. We get a variety of reactions. Some avoid us....
Who Else am I Going to Lose?

Who Else am I Going to Lose?

I can’t believe this happened. If this can happen, then anything can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. I find myself wondering, “Who’s next?” Who else am I going to lose? One loss usually leads to fear of another. For some, this terror is obvious in our words and...
Why can’t people respect my grief?

Why can’t people respect my grief?

“Why can’t people respect my grief?” Have you ever thought or said this? I have. Many times, in fact. Some people might have some sympathy for us. Some might even be empathetic. But surely, everyone should be able to respect our grief, right? Sadly,...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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