When Life, and Grief, Become a Treadmill

When Life, and Grief, Become a Treadmill

Life, and grief, can become a treadmill.  When I was 12, I had a gerbil named Ralph. He was an interesting, good-natured, and incredibly energetic creature.  Confined to a small life in a cage, Ralph ran. And he ran, and ran, and ran. Around and around in...
9 Things I Learned (Again) in 2018

9 Things I Learned (Again) in 2018

I don’t know about you, but I’m sad today. Six friends of mine died this year, including a young neighbor across the street. Two other friends lost teen sons to suicide. Our family’s beloved optometrist was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s...
7 Tips for Overcoming the Loneliness of Grief

7 Tips for Overcoming the Loneliness of Grief

We’re made for relationship. No wonder loss hurts. It crushes our hearts. As a hospice chaplain, I believe one of our greatest fears is feeling alone, left behind, or abandoned. I’ve felt it myself, and I’ve heard it from the hearts of hundreds of others. Steven’s...
5 Threats That Can Crush Grieving Hearts

5 Threats That Can Crush Grieving Hearts

“I’m running, pure and simple,” Bart said. “I was never good enough. When Tad died, I knew it was my fault somehow. I fell back into all the old stuff so easily.” Bart’s son Tad was a lively, active kid. He was into everything as soon as...
5 Truths for When Grief Rocks Our Faith

5 Truths for When Grief Rocks Our Faith

“I wish I could see her somehow. I want to know where she is, what it’s like, and what she’s doing.” Connie said. Connie’s daughter Libby was a wild child. She experimented with drugs early and became an addict. After hitting bottom, she...
When the Heart and Soul Go Numb

When the Heart and Soul Go Numb

“Everything good seems far away. I’m emotionally and spiritually paralyzed. I feel dead inside,” Jack shared. Jack’s daughter Chloe was a daddy’s girl. She clung to Jack wherever he went. He adored her. Chloe grew up in a stable and...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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