When Loss Strikes, Our Souls Cry Out

When Loss Strikes, Our Souls Cry Out

Loss hits us on every level. Loss impacts our emotions, thoughts, bodies, and relationships. It shakes our hearts, minds, and souls. Some losses seem to affect everything. Our world has been altered. Everything is different.The pain is deep. Our souls cry out. How do...
Finding Peace in the Storms of Grief

Finding Peace in the Storms of Grief

For the last several weeks, we’ve been talking about things that steal our peace – peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace in our relationships. We introduced some Peace Thieves – 10 things most of us struggle with in grief and in life. In case you...
Peace Thieves are on the Loose!

Peace Thieves are on the Loose!

Most of us would love to have more peace. Inner peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart. Peace with God. Peace with other people. Peace with ourselves. The loss of loved ones and the resulting grief journey can be excruciating. Everything is upside down. Life has been...
When We Believe Lies About Ourselves…

When We Believe Lies About Ourselves…

This month, we’ve been talking about the power of lies. We began by unearthing some of the lies we believe about grief and the grief process. We tackled this in a Zoom session together. We also published an article called Is Grief Misinformation a Thing?  Last...
Is Grief Misinformation a Thing?

Is Grief Misinformation a Thing?

Is grief misinformation a thing? Yes. Yes, indeed. Most of us have bought into quite a few myths about grief and the grief journey. Somewhere down the line, we developed some ideas about how the grief process goes – or should go. Once we experienced a major...
How to Handle Emotional Overwhelm

How to Handle Emotional Overwhelm

This week we had another great Virtual Hangout Session via Zoom. We talked about Handling Emotional Overwhelm. This topic is so relevant, I thought I would share with everyone a summary of what I presented. To overwhelm means to upset, overpower, crush. To engulf,...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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