I Don’t Understand This

I Don’t Understand This

When loss strikes, everything seems to change. Quite naturally, we many times say something like, “I don’t understand this.” The following is an excerpt from Comfort for Grieving Hearts. I hope this chapter will encourage your heart today. FROM THE...
When we feel misunderstood, rejected, and abandoned…

When we feel misunderstood, rejected, and abandoned…

The death of a loved one – someone indescribably special – changes everything. It changes us. Because loss changes us, our relationships naturally change as well. And not all these changes are positive. Some people we counted on disappear. It’s like...
When We Sink Into Depression…

When We Sink Into Depression…

Depression. We’ve heard about it. We experience it. All of us would like for it to go away. The depression that grieving hearts experience is often loss-related. In other words, we feel depressed because of all the change, upheaval, and emotional pain...
When You Think You’re Going Crazy

When You Think You’re Going Crazy

During this painful grief journey, we can wonder about our sanity. “Am I going crazy?” is a question grieving hearts often ask. Let me clear this up right away. No. You’re not going crazy. You are, however, in a crazy-making situation. Someone you...
Thanksgiving While Grieving?

Thanksgiving While Grieving?

I hope you are doing well today. Thanksgiving is almost upon us. When we’re grieving, the Thanksgiving holiday comes with all kinds of challenges. What are we supposed to do with this? How do we navigate special days that are supposed to be about family,...
When You Think You’re Going Crazy

Is Grief Stress Messing with You?

Grief is a form of stress. Grief is an ongoing, intense form of stress. This grinding, relentless stress messes with us. “Messes with…” is a common phrase where I live down in Texas. Perhaps it came from an anti-litter campaign decades ago called...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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