Articles by Gary Roe

Please Be Patient, I'm Grieving has been released!

So many are hurting. We want to help. The electronic version of Please Be Patient, I’m Grieving has been released! And even better, it’s FREE for the next two days (April 1-2)! This is our gift to you - and to anyone you choose to share it with! CLICK HERE to download...

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People out there are hurting. People like us. Grieving people need to feel heard and understood. Sadly, most seem to feel misunderstood, judged, belittled, and even rejected. It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time we took the grieving heart seriously. That’s why I...

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4 Steps for Surviving Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day can be hard, especially if you've lost someone. I used to think the whole Valentine's affair was silly. Candy, chocolates, cards, and flowers. Growing up, I saw a lot of show, but little substance. Now, I see the day differently. "Be my Valentine" has...

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Happy New Year?

"Happy New Year!" they say. Because of heavy losses, some of us might take exception to the happy part. We might hope it's better than last, but we can't quite imagine what happy would be yet. Others of us are barely scraping by. We're exhausted, and wondering where...

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How to Navigate the EMOTIONAL MINEFIELD of Christmas

Christmas is wonderful. It can also be tough. The air is filled with tinkling bells, holiday music, and seasonal fragrances. People are everywhere, holding hands, smiling, getting into the “Christmas spirit.” The world around us commands us to be happy and celebrate....

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4 Tips for Handling Holiday Loneliness

Recently, I sent out a one-question survey asking people what they struggled with most in the grief process. Out of over 400 responses, the most common answer was loneliness. Holidays can make this even worse. This time of year surfaces our losses and throws them in...

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When GRIEF Meets THANKSGIVING, Who Will Win?

When GRIEF Meets THANKSGIVING, Who Will Win?

Grief is about to meet Thanksgiving. Which one will win? We think of these two as enemies. What if they could actually be friends? Holidays surface our losses. We're assaulted by memories. Good times. Not so good times. But most of all, we wish for more time - with...

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Six Steps for Managing the Holidays while Hurting

Wow. It's November. The holidays are upon us. And for those of us who are hurting, this time of year can pack a real punch.   Why are holidays so hard? Holidays are difficult because they automatically surface our losses. We're hyper-aware of who's missing....

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Oh No. The Holidays are Coming.

Uh oh. It's the end of October. November is around the corner. Here come the holidays.   Holidays can be tough Holidays surface our losses and wave them in front of our faces. Days we once celebrated can become times we dread. When special days arrive, we're...

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OVERWHELM – When Little Things Become Gigantic

There are times in life when everything seems gigantic. For example, we're vulnerable when in the midst of: Conflict Stress Tragedy Abuse Loss Death Grief The unknown These are just a few of things that can grip and squeeze us with seemingly merciless power. Our...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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