Articles by Gary Roe

Will the Hurt Ever End?

Will the Hurt Ever End?

Missing someone is painful. Will the hurt ever end? “I kept waiting for the pain to stop. Some things got easier with time, some didn’t. Right now, there is this deep, dull ache in the recesses of my heart,” Noel confided. She paused and looked at her hands in her...

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When the Pain Becomes Fresh Again

Pain runs deep. Early scars are powerful, and sink into the darkest recesses of the heart. Catastrophic wounds can throw us into survival mode for a while. No matter how old the wound, with the right trigger, the pain can become incredibly fresh again. Grief is like...

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When Half Your Heart is Gone

Physically, it’s hard to imagine being able to survive with half a heart. Emotionally, that’s what some wounds and losses feel like.   Gone, Just Like That “I’m devastated. Half my heart is gone. How does a man live with half a heart?” Robert asked. “We had...

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When Grief Steals Our Oxygen

When Grief Steals Our Oxygen

Life can take our breath away. Literally. “It’s constant. I had no idea how hard it would be. The depth of the grief is astounding,” Maggie shared. “Sometimes I feel like I can’t even catch my breath.” Maggie’s husband Ted had died of pancreatic cancer six months...

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When Loss Steals Our Dreams

When Loss Steals Our Dreams

Kids dream. For them, anything is possible. Then we grow up. We take some hits. Life doesn’t go the way we planned. We lose – relationships, jobs, opportunities, and people. The dreams morph over time. Then, well, they mostly disappear. And our broken hearts settle...

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When We Long for What We Had

When we experience something good, it seems to be human nature to try and duplicate it.   “Last time it was wonderful. I’m going to do it the same way again!” “God answered my prayer when I prayed that way. I’ve found the secret. I’m going to pray like that every...

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Five Reasons Why Loss is so HARD

Five Reasons Why Loss is so HARD

Loss is hard. One of my best friends died at age 12 and left me in a fog. My dad’s death when I was 15 shattered my world. Every loss since has been difficult and sometimes traumatic. I felt punched in the gut or like I had been hit by a train. Even if death was...

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Shouldn’t We Be Over This By Now?

Shouldn’t We Be Over This By Now?

We’re all missing someone. Michelle sat across the table from me, turning her chicken salad over and over with her fork. “I should be over this by now,” she sighed. Michelle’s mother had passed away four months earlier. They had seen each other almost every day for a...

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When Life Changes in an Instant

Sudden loss is shocking. Like a missile out of the blue, it can devastate our world in an instant.   It happened so quickly “It happened so quickly. One minute he seemed fine, and the next he was gone. It was all so sudden,” Connie said through her tears. Matt...

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The paperback of Please Be Patient, I'm Grieving is out!

We all grieve. We need each other, badly. That's why I wrote Please Be Patient, I'm Grieving: How to Care For and Support the Grieving Heart. I hoped and prayed that together we could get this book into the hands of those who needed it.   So far, the results have...

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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