Articles by Gary Roe

When Life is Full of Scary Stuff

When Life is Full of Scary Stuff

Life is full of scary stuff. I don't like fear. In fact, I despise it. There are times when it's reasonable and appropriate - even life-saving. Most of time, however, the terrors I entertain in my brain only lock me down and keep me from engaging fully in life and...

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One Powerful Lesson I’m Learning from You

One Powerful Lesson I’m Learning from You

Suicide seems to be everywhere. Most of us have been affected by it in some way. I'm in the process of writing a new book for those who are enduring the pain of someone they love taking their own life. Many of you are helping me with this, sharing your stories about...

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5 Reasons Family Might not be Supportive

5 Reasons Family Might not be Supportive

"Family has been disappointing," Aaron said. "We heard all the usual stuff. ‘We're with you. We'll be there for you. Anything you need,' and all that. Now they hardly talk to us, except to say that we should be over this by now." Aaron and his wife Stacey longed for...

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5 Keys to Staying Sane While Grieving

5 Keys to Staying Sane While Grieving

Feel like you’re going crazy? In grief, this is a common thought (and fear). And no wonder…   From the Grieving Heart: I feel confused today.  One minute I'm sad, and the next I'm angry. I zone out and find myself staring at the walls. Everything seems strange, like...

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5 Ways Loss Attacks Your Identity

5 Ways Loss Attacks Your Identity

"I'm not the same person. Neither is Dave. Who am I now? Who are we?" asked Alexandra. Alexandra and Dave's son Duke was their only child. He was a talkative kid, with an active imagination. He was the superhero of the neighborhood, with a strong preference for Batman...

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4 Tips for Grieving Hearts Entering 2019

4 Tips for Grieving Hearts Entering 2019

2018 was quite a year. First, there were our own personal losses. Deaths. Separations. Estrangements. Illnesses. Rejections. Crushed hopes. The list could go on and on. Then there was the world at large. Political unrest, immigration challenges, market fluctuations,...

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9 Things I Learned (Again) in 2018

9 Things I Learned (Again) in 2018

I don't know about you, but I'm sad today. Six friends of mine died this year, including a young neighbor across the street. Two other friends lost teen sons to suicide. Our family's beloved optometrist was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). My 15-year-old son...

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3 Things I Wish for You This Christmas

3 Things I Wish for You This Christmas

Christmas. It can be wonderful. It can be tough. For most of us, there is pain associated with this time of year. We're all missing someone - probably several someones. Our hearts yearn. Old wounds and losses resurface, and we feel the pain. I know there is nothing I...

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9 Keys to Holiday Sanity While Grieving

9 Keys to Holiday Sanity While Grieving

Holidays can make us crazy. Add loss and grief into the mix, and many of us wonder how we’re going to get through this.   Holidays can be crazy-making times. “I’m scared. It’s like I’m frozen and can’t move. How do I face life without my husband?” Tina asked....

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3 Steps to Sane Holiday Decision-Making

3 Steps to Sane Holiday Decision-Making

One Sunday afternoon during the holidays, I ran into Chris and Karen in the grocery store. They seemed to be moving in slow motion, shuffling their feet and staring blankly ahead. I was almost on top of them before they noticed me. They looked exhausted. “Hey guys....

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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