Grief can be confusing, frustrating, and intense.

We all need help in grief? Where can we find it?

For most of us, grief recovery (grieving, adjusting, healing, and growing) demands a variety of people and resources.

About a year ago, Kathy Gleason and Stephanie Kendrick (mother and daughter) started a podcast called “As I Live and Grieve.” Their goal was to support and help those who are grieving by “telling the truth about how hard it is.”

I’ve had the honor of being a guest on Kathy and Stephanie’s podcast several times. Most recently, they had me on to talk about “Three Key Ways to Process Grief.”

You can listen to the podcast here.

Grief itself is a process. Sometimes, it is a long and arduous process. In many ways, we never stop grieving on some level.

Being honest about our grief – what’s happening inside us – is so important. Our hearts are screaming for attention. We need to find ways to express the grief within.

Simply put, we need to “get it out” in healthy ways.

That’s what “Three Key Ways to Process Grief” is about .

Are you able to “get the grief out” in some healthy ways?

What might help you process your grief even better?

Are there roadblocks that you sense are hindering your grief journey?

Please be kind to yourself. Loss is painful. Grief is incredibly challenging. Be compassionate with yourself (and others) today.

And as always, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help, if I can.

Question: What have you found helpful in processing your grief? Feel free to share by leaving a comment below.


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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