I don’t know about you, but I’m glad to see 2020 disappearing into my rear view mirror.

2020 was a year of profound, debilitating grief. The sheer amount of change was stunning and crippling. For those of us who lost family members or friends, COVID added a thick, suffocating layer of complication to our grief journeys. It’s been frustrating, confusing, angering, and depressing.

I’m going to be personally vulnerable here. In general, my anxiety level is up. My sense of security and safety has been repeatedly shaken. My family (including myself) has been battered by sudden, seemingly out-of-the-blue health issues, most of them stress-related. At the time of writing this, we’re waiting on test results that could potentially throw us into even more trouble, stress, change, and uncertainty.

I feel like I’m stuck in a vice that’s slowly tightening. At times, I have trouble catching my breath. The slow, relentless grind of loss and stress is taking its toll.

Can anyone relate?  I know you can.

For some of you, what I’ve written above is nothing compared to what you’re enduring. Loss, pain, anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, confusion, and depression are everywhere.

We’ve been hit hard and repeatedly in 2020. And as we look ahead at 2021, many of us are wondering what’s coming next. We’re hoping for better…

As I lean into 2021, however, I know that I have no control over what happens in the world or even in my own family. I have influence, but not control. So I find myself asking, “Amid all these challenges, what kind of person do I want to be in 2021?”

Over 3000 years ago, wise King Solomon said, “Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring from which everything else in your life flows.” I have no control over what happens this year, but I do have a say in what happens in my heart.

I want an honest, authentic heart.

I want to be real with myself, God, and a few other people about what’s happening inside me – including my fears and concerns. Hiding never benefits me or anyone I love or care about.

I want a compassionate, loving heart.

I want to be a lifeline of acceptance, comfort, reassurance, and hope. I want a heart that see and hears the hearts of others, meet them where they are, and loves well.

I want a forgiving heart that releases offenses quickly.

I’m so limited that I can’t afford to let rude or unkind words or actions hijack of overly influence my life. I don’t need any extra baggage.

I want a hopeful, hope-giving heart.

When things appear dark, light becomes a treasure indeed. I want to be a person of hope who embraces, cultivates, and spreads hope.

Whatever 2021 brings, we all know there will be more challenges ahead. How we meet them matters – both for ourselves and those around us.

What about you? What kind of person would you like to be in 2021? What kind of heart do you want to pursue and cultivate?

Please know that whatever you’re going through, there’s always more than meets the eye. Please be kind to yourself. Accept yourself as you are in the present moment, as best you can. You’re more important and valuable than you can possibly imagine.

I’m glad we’re in this together. Grief is a lonely journey, but this grief path is well-populated.

I hope to support and serve you well in 2021. That includes emails, Zoom Hangouts, healing resources, and new books. Stay tuned. It’s an honor to walk with you.

Do you have anything you would like to share? Feel free to comment!


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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