Loss stuns us. Our hearts have been hit and perhaps broken. We can’t think. We can barely talk.

The following article is adapted from my book Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child. No matter what your loss, chances are you can relate to Steve’s stunned and grieving heart.

“I can’t think. I can hardly talk,” Steve stammered, as he sat in the booth across from me.

When I entered the restaurant and sat down, Steve didn’t see me. He was looking at the menu. I sat there for several minutes, unnoticed, while Steve stared at the same fixed point on the page.

When I softly cleared my throat, Steve slowly raised his head and blinked.

“Hi Gary. I didn’t see you come in,” he said slowly.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion for Steve. His daughter Stephanie had been killed in a car crash a few days prior. Everything since then had been a blur, including the funeral. She was 16.

Steve and his wife Bonnie were stunned. Their lives had been forever changed in an instant.


When death strikes, it can be merciless. Some losses are unthinkable. When the unthinkable becomes reality, we’re stunned.

It’s like being smacked on the head with a brick dropped from a 5-story building. We didn’t see it coming. At first, we don’t know what hit us.

We stagger, stumble, and fall. The best we can hope for is to lay there and still be able to breathe somehow.

The magnitude of the hit is so great, our minds can’t begin to process it. Our hearts refuse to do so. The world just cracked in two.

We find ourselves momentarily frozen, immobile. We’re awake, but not all there. We can’t be. The truth would kill us instantly.

We stare. We blink. We can’t think. We mumble.

Call it disbelief. Call it denial. We’re stunned. We should be.

“I’m stunned. How can this be? I don’t want to believe it.”

QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: Does anything from Steve’s experience resonate with you? If so, what? Most of us are good at putting on an act. Do you give yourself permission to be “stunned?”

Adapted from the Best Book Awards Finalist and Amazon Bestseller, Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child.

Additional Recommended Resources:

Grief Soundbites: Shock – Gary Roe YouTube

7 Questions for Life’s Tough Times – Thrive Global

When We Feel Papalyzed in Grief – www.garyroe.com


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