Over the past three years, I have personally encountered suicide more than a dozen times. As many of you know, I began this year with research for writing a book to help those who have experienced someone they care about taking their own life.

As I collected and read these heartbreaking stories, the plan for the year took an unexpected turn. 

I thought, “What better way to honor these survivors and their loved ones than to write something that could be used to prevent others from taking their own lives?” 

As a result, I’m now in the process of writing five books this year. The first four are designed for suicide prevention. The final book will be for those battling the aftermath of suicide.

Today, I wanted to share with you about the next four books that will be coming out.

Living on the Edge (2 editions, one for teens).

  • A brief book (less than 40 pages) describing the pain of life and how to deal with it.
  • I address the issue of suicide head on and share how to deal with suicidal thoughts.
  • I talk about how lies we’ve been fed and believed along the way can keep us stuck.
  • I address how to expose these lies and then replace them with the truth.
  • The overall goal of the book is to give readers pause from self-harming thoughts and to stir hope.

Difference Maker (again, 2 editions, one for teens) 

  • A follow-up book to Living on the Edge for those who want go deeper and learn to live as the Difference Makers they were designed to be.
  • I continue to expose the common lies we tend to swallow and share how to replace them with corresponding truths.
  • Suicide and suicidal thinking are again directly addressed.
  • I share how to effectively process loss and then use grief as fuel for good.
  • I help readers discover their why – their mission and purpose in life. I talk about things that can hinder this process (mission busters) and what can help (mission builders).
  • The overall goal of the book is to challenge readers to move from merely surviving to living life with passion and purpose.

The goal of these four books together is to save lives and turn potential self-harm into purposeful, service-oriented living.

All four of these books are slated to be released between mid-May and late July. 

The fifth book dealing with suicide grief is currently in the planning stage, with a target release date of mid-November.

I need your help!

Now that target release dates have been set, we need to effectively launch these books and get the word out. 

I am putting together a dynamic, committed group of people who want to support this effort by reading Living on the Edge and Difference Maker before their respective release dates. 

If this is something that interests you, don’t hesitate. Respond “yes” in the comment section, and I’ll get back to you shortly with more info.

I’m excited about these resources and their potential for good. Together, we can make a huge difference.

If we’re willing, I believe our losses can be used to make us more loving, compassionate, and effective than ever.

We can save lives and give hope, even while hurting.

Question: Have you been touched by suicide? Leave a comment and tell us how.


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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