Life has changed. Loss has invaded. Grief surfaces everywhere. And yet, everyone around us just wants us to get better – fast.


From the Grieving Heart:

I feel like a robot. I’m going through the motions. I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. Why can’t life just stop for a while?

This is unfair. Even cruel. Everyone expects me to go on as usual, as if I’m doing great and the same person I was before you left. 

Ridiculous. I’m not the same. How could I be? If I just went on as before, what would that say about you and our relationship? 

You’re important to me, whether you’re here or not. I love you. I miss you. Why can’t the world accept that? Why can’t my own friends and family accept that?

Everyone wants me to feel better. No one wants me to be hurting. But how realistic is that? Expecting me to be “fine” is like expecting a head-on collision to have no effect whatsoever on the cars or people involved. 

People aren’t supposed to leave. Yes, we all die. Yes, I know that’s natural. But it’s all wrong somehow. You should be here.

I want you here.  

Yes, this is ridiculous.


We wish things were different.

There is much about loss and grief which makes logical sense, but emotionally our hearts have trouble grappling with it. We wish things were different, but in the end we have to deal with what is.

Here are 7 truths every grieving heart can hold on to:

1. Life as we know it has been upended.

We’re wired for relationship and built for connection. Over time, our lives become a web of relationships. When one strand is severed, our entire life-web reverberates with the shock.

2. The loss will dominate our lives for a while.

One person leaves and our whole life shakes. Much like breaking a leg, we become instantly focused on the pain and its source. This is natural.

3. Simple things become complicated.

What once was simple, like walking, has become excruciatingly painful and almost impossible. Routine, everyday life immediately changes into a set of Mount Everest-like challenges.

4. Life becomes weird, surreal.

The rest of the world seems unchanged. Others’ webs have not been struck, and their lives move along as usual. It feels like we’ve been transported to another planet and are being forced to live a different life trying to navigate unruly emotions and unrealistic expectations.

5. There are times when surviving is victory.

We might feel like robots. We go through the motions, doing our best to stay functional. There is so much going on inside us, far more than we can understand, feel, or manage all at once. We’re just surviving. And that’s okay.

6. Grieving (and living) happens one moment at a time.

As much as possible, we take one moment, one thing at a time. There is no going over or around this. We let the grief be what it is. We lean into the wind and take the next small step forward.

7. Accepting ourselves aids greatly in healing.

Being real means giving ourselves permission to grieve – with all the sadness, anger, anxiety, confusion, frustration, guilt, and depression that come with this loss. This is painful. We don’t know what to do or how. Our hearts are broken. We must feel this. We must be real to heal.

We will get through this. We will grieve, one moment, one step at a time.


I’ll work on accepting myself while grieving, one moment, one step at a time.


Adapted from Comfort for Grieving Hearts: Hope and Encouragement for Times of Loss. To get your copy or to download a free excerpt, click here.

Question: Which one of these seven truths resonates most with you right now? 

Additional resource: Heartbroken: Healing from the Loss of a Spouse (Best Book Award Finalist) is now on audio. If you know someone who might benefit, please pass it along!



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