“People can be so insensitive and mean. Do they realize what they’re saying?” Janet said, wringing a napkin in her hands.

Janet’s daughter Courtney was a tough and determined survivor. Diagnosed with lymphoma in her late teens, Courtney battled through treatment regimens, kept her spirits up, and dedicated her life to serving others. One Thursday afternoon while she was having lunch with friends, she suddenly lost consciousness and stopped breathing. Courtney was 37.

“Words can cut deep,” Janet continued. “Some people mean well, but others can be cruel. I miss Courtney. I always will. How can I not grieve?”


Some people can be toxic

The death of a loved one will powerfully impact our relationships. Some people will step up and be helpful. Others will disappear. Still others might be hurtful or demeaning.

Many people are scared, anxious, and living on the emotional edge. Some are surly, angry, and bitter. The pain tends to spill out in what we say. Words can be sharp and cutting, even cruel.

“Are you still grieving? What’s wrong with you? Pull it together.”

“Life goes on. You should be over this by now.”

“I thought you were better and stronger than this.”

“People die. It’s part of life.”

“Isn’t she better off now? You should be happy.”

We’ve all heard similar, equally shocking examples we could add to this list. Why do people say these things? Are they afraid of pain? Has our grief triggered unresolved issues from their past? Has our loss unearthed some buried terror? Are they just mean?

It’s important to realize that what people say is mostly about them – their emotions, fears, hurts, anger, and pain. People who utter unkind, toxic statements are revealing something about themselves.

Our hearts have been shattered. The last thing we need is someone tromping into our lives and smashing the remaining pieces. We need support, compassion, and hope.

3 Ways to Deal with Unhelpful, Critical People

First, get around people who are helpful to you and limit exposure to those who aren’t.  We don’t have time, energy, or space for toxic people. Their voice hinders grieving, recovery, and healing. They are best avoided. If we can’t (family members or work associates, for example), we need to devise a survival strategy for when we have to be around them.

Second, be proactive and plan your response when critical people strike. How do we respond to the toxic statements of others? One option is to not respond at all. Simply walk away. Unkind statements often don’t deserve a response. In most cases, almost anything we say will only become gasoline on a fire. Toxic people are often bitter, angry, and looking for a fight. Firing back at a toxic person usually only leads to being shot at again.

If we feel we must say something, it might be best to come up with a canned response. “Thanks for your concern.” “Yes, I’m still grieving. I always will.” “I’m working on it.”

Third, do your best to realize that the critical person’s words and actions are about them, not about you. Sometimes, I have to tell myself, “This is about them. I wonder how they have been wounded and what drives them to behave this way?” Great pain is at the root of most critical and toxic relational patterns.

A quick summary:

  • Get around helpful people who inspire you and limit your exposure to harmful influences.
  • Be intentional and plan how you will respond when critical people attack.
  • Breathe deeply, and remember that whatever causes them to do this comes from inside their hearts, not yours.

We can’t control the words or actions of toxic people, but we can limit the access they get to our hearts.

“I’ll avoid toxic people and get around those who are helpful to me. My heart is too important not to.”


Adapted from the 2017 Best Book Awards Finalist and Amazon Bestseller, Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child

Question: Have you encountered critical, toxic people in your grief? What have you found helpful in dealing with them?

Additional resource: Loneliness is a huge issue in grief. Please check out my article on Happify, 5 Crucial Truths for Overcoming Loneliness in the Digital Age. You are not alone. You will make it through this.


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