[dropcap2 variation=”coffee”]Y[/dropcap2]ou will live out who you really believe yourself to be.
Damaged goods. A screw-up. Never good enough. Never amount to anything. Ugly. Warped. Invisible. Alone. These are the words our past and the world feed us.
Thought of before the creation of the world. Planned and wanted. Loved and died for Jesus Christ two thousand years before you were born. Personally created by God Himself, at just the right time, in His image. Designed to be in dynamic relationship with your Creator, living out an incredible destiny, without end. This is what the Bible says about you.
What will you believe? Which road will you choose to walk in your mind? The path you camp on will determine how you live.
Look deep inside. Do you know who you are?
God should know who you are, right? What does he say about you? Tune in next time for the answer.