I wanted to let you know that Soul Cry is now available.

Soul Cry is currently on new release special for the next few days:

The Kindle edition is more than 80% off its eventual retail price at only $0.99.

The Nook and eBook editions are also currently only $0.99.

The paperback edition is currently $10.99 (retail will be $17.99).

The book is also available on Amazon in Canada, the UK, and other countries (if you need a link for your country, please let me know).

Here are what some advance readers have said about this book of devotional prayers:

Gary Roe’s new book Soul Cry is like a soothing balm to grieving and suffering hearts. It helps us lament and express our painful and confusing emotions in Scripture-based daily prayers. It is a very helpful resource to connect with God and process our grief.  – Hadassah Treu, author

Soul Cry is an essential tool to assist you through the journey of grief and loss. Often, we find ourselves at a loss for words, without a means to express our heartache, pain, and sorrow. In the midst of the flood tears and difficult emotions, Soul Cry provides eloquent prayers we can use when our hearts and minds are clouded with grief.  – Steve Johnson

In my loss of my only adult child, I found this book to  be a daily friend that in few words, helps to add balm to my soul. It gave me words of encouragement. The daily Bible verses were words of comfort, love, and wisdom from God’s Word. If you are in trials that cause your soul to cry-out, this book will be a tool to give you strength each day to carry on when seeking tenderness and compassion. It will be your “anytime friend.”  – Wanda Stein, Co-founder Helping Hand Grief Support

Soul Cry covers the whole gambit of feelings when a loss is suffered; the sadness, loneliness, anger and feelings of abandonment. The Bible passages help one realize God is there and has never left us. The comfort this book provides is immeasurable. – Vicki Heimsoth

Soul Cry is a well-written book of Bible based daily prayers. This is exactly what I am needing in my grief walk!  The daily prayers help ground me. They give me hope and strength to aid in the demands of my daily life. Thank you Gary Roe for this amazing book! – Beverly Sciance

If you know someone who could benefit from Soul Cry, please feel free to forward this email to them. We want to get this new resource into the hands that need it as affordably as possible.

Thanks again for your support. Join me in praying that God would use Soul Cry to bring hope, healing, and great encouragement to hurting, suffering hearts.

Until next time…

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