Loss hits us on every level.

Loss impacts our emotions, thoughts, bodies, and relationships. It shakes our hearts, minds, and souls.

Some losses seem to affect everything. Our world has been altered. Everything is different.
The pain is deep. Our souls cry out.

How do we navigate all this?

How do we deal with ourselves, others, and the incessant demands of daily living while grieving?

How do we manage all our hurts, rejections, and heart wounds?

How do we cope amid a world that seems to have gone mad?

How does God fit into all this? Does He care?

One person said to me recently, “I feel like I’m about to burst. Grief. Pain. Fear. Anxiety. Guilt. I feel paralyzed. I need to get all this out somehow.”

Another person said, “I feel so wounded. Every day is an exercise in suffering. And the suffering I see around me is stunning. How do I do this?”

These are some of the reason why I wrote Soul Cry.

Soul Cry is a book of short, 2-3 page devotions. Each devotion is a prayer based on a particular Bible verse or passage. Each prayer is designed to connect with the reader’s heart, mind, and soul.

Soul Cry contains three months of prayers – 93 total.  This is not a once-and-done devotional book. These three months of devotional prayers can be repeated over and over again.

Soul Cry will be released soon. And I’m going to need lots of help getting the word out. I’ll share more about that in my next email.

This new book is my attempt to help folks deal with the pain, grief, and suffering we’re currently experiencing. To say that things are challenging right now is a gross understatement.

Our souls need to cry out.

Please be kind to yourself today.

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is wasted from grief; my soul and my body also. (Psalm 31:9)

Question: Is your soul crying out? Feel free to comment and share below.


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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