There are many obstacles and potential stumbling blocks along the grief journey.

One particular stumbling block can sabotage not only our grief process but our entire lives. It’s sneaky. It creeps up on us. It’s familiar. Most of us have been doing it for a long, long time.


When we compare, we lose. Period.

We’ve been comparing ourselves with others almost all of our lives. We measure ourselves against others – what we perceive others are doing, and what we think life is like for them.

This sneaky saboteur spawns all kinds of trouble. Envy. Jealousy. Arrogance. Judgmentalism. Anxiety. Depression. Anger. Rage. Bitterness. Hopelessness. Despair

The list goes on and on.

Comparing is as natural as breathing. Just because it’s natural, however, doesn’t mean it’s good.

When we’re grieving and vulnerable, comparison can stealthily weave its way deep into our minds and hearts.

What we do with this?

Sometimes, awareness is half the battle – and it’s certainly the first step. Put yourself on alert. Begin to notice when you’re comparing.

Just notice. Winning the battle against comparison begins there.

Simply becoming aware of comparison can begin to unplug its power.

Recognizing and unplugging comparison can be a huge grief skill – an excellent tool in our grief and healing toolbox.

More on this later. For now, just notice. Become aware of comparison.

Loss is painful, challenging, and lonely. Take heart today. You are not alone. You are not crazy. You will make it through this.

Question: Do you think comparison is an issue in your life? If so, how so? Please feel free to comment below.

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. (Psalm 62:1-2)


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