I have a question for you.

Do you feel confused sometimes?

Confusion is often a part of grief.

When we think about it, that makes perfect sense. Our lives have been upended. Our hearts are broken. Our minds are spinning. Everything has changed.

We wake up each morning to a world that looks that same, but it’s not. Everything becomes weird and surreal.

That’s confusing.

When I feel confused, one helpful thing to remember is that the confusion is coming from the outside.


If I feel confused, it’s because something confusing is happening.

This is important. Many of us are naturally hard on ourselves. If we feel confused, we think something is wrong with us.

The reality is that something terrible as happened, and we’re mourning deeply. We didn’t want this. We’ve been thrust into it. Our old life and old normal are gone.

That’s confusing.

We need to give ourselves a break. Feeling confused from time to time on this grief journey is natural and inevitable.

I’ll say it again. Feeling confused while grieving is extremely common.

So, when you feel confused, stop and take a deep breath. In fact, take several deep breaths. Remind yourself that you’re feeling confused because something confusing is happening outside you.

Your heart is grappling with living in a new world. This is not pleasant and far from easy. It’s a task of Herculean proportions.

Loss is confusing. The overall mental impact of grief is stunning. Adjustment, healing, recovery, and growth all take time. Lots of time. Be patient with yourself.

Thanks for reading. I’m honored to be with you in this.

Question: Have you felt confused on your grief journey? What about? Feel free to comment and share.


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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