This is a tough post to write. It will be hard to read. But it’s true. We’ve lived it. We’re still living it.

COVID. Coronavirus disease.

Two-and-a-half years ago, we had never heard of it. Today, it seems to work it’s way into almost every conversation.

The COVID Era has been one of tumultuous upheaval, change, uncertainty, and death.

I’m certain almost all of us have experienced the death of someone we know during this time.

Many of us have endured the deaths of several of our loved ones and close friends.

We experienced other deaths during this time too. We are still experiencing them.

All the rules changed.

Our lives were squeezed, restricted, and locked down.

Our routines of work, relationship, and life were shattered.

We were separated from our loved ones. We could not get to them. We were kept from them.

We were left wondering what was happening. On edge, we waited for information, calls, and updates.

We didn’t get to hold their hands. We didn’t get to tell them we loved them over and over again.

We didn’t get to say goodbye.

They died without us.

For some time, we could not gather. Funerals and memorial services were put off, postponed, or held virtually. More weirdness. More separation. More frustration.

On top of all that, many have deep questions about what happened and why. Some

I could go on and on. COVID has brought with it a plague of grief complications. None of us realizes the depth of the damage it has wrought on us.

Simply put, the COVID Era has been a grief disaster of epic proportions. It has changed our world. It has changed us.

How do we unpack all this?

How do we heal from the shocking pain this era has inflicted upon us?

How do we adjust and grieve well amid all these challenges?

This is what our next Zoom Virtual Hangout will be about. I don’t exactly know when that will be yet. I’ll keep you posted.

Though loneliness is a big part of grief, none of us is alone. We’re in this together.

Please be patient with yourself today. This is hard.

Question: Have you experienced COVID Era losses and deaths? What has been hardest for you?


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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