If anyone had told me what the last two years were going to be like, I wouldn’t have believed them. I still have trouble believing a lot of what I’m seeing around me in the world. Perhaps you are too.

Our own losses combined with the current world upheaval can rattle us spiritually. It’s enough to make our souls tremble.

A few months ago, I met a new friend. His name is Reid Peterson.

Reid founded Grief Refuge. He asked me if I would be willing to be on his podcast to talk about Faith and Grief.

I loved doing this interview, partly because of Reid (he is so laid back and easy to talk to) and partly because this subject – Faith and Grief – is one of my favorites.

The podcast interview is about 30 minutes long. Because of the nature of the topic – and what is said in the interview – I would recommend (if possible) that you put aside distractions and listen to it one sitting.

My hope and prayer is that…

  • You will be able to resonate with a lot of what is said.
  • You will find something comforting, hopeful, encouraging, and healing.
  • You will learn something fresh about the connection between faith and your grief process, no matter where you are spiritually.

You can listen to the podcast here.

Well, what did you think?

Has faith been important to you in your grief journey?

Has your loss surfaced spiritual questions and doubts?

Is there anything you would like me to be praying about for you?

It’s truly an honor to be in this with you. Though we are all unique and our losses all different, we can still walk together. Thank goodness.

Peace and comfort to you today.

Consider leaving a comment. Perhaps answer one or several of the questions above. Sharing like this not only helps you, but others who are reading this post. Thank you!

Additional Resources:

10 Spiritual Truths about Loss and Healing – Belief Net

When Loss Leads to Spiritual Fatigue and Numbness – garyroe.com

10 Myths about Grief Most of Us Believe – Belief Net


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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