When someone dies, how we say goodbye matters.

This past week was the anniversary of my dad’s death. Looking back, I’m grateful I had a chance to say goodbye. I was 15 years old at the time.

My dad dropped in front of me of a heart attack one Sunday afternoon. He never regained consciousness. He was on life-support for a week before he died.

He was my one functional parent. He was my rock. When he took his last breath, my life changed forever.

Though it was a traumatic time, I was thankful to get to see him twice a day. I got to hold his hand, look into his face, and say whatever I wanted and needed to say.

Twenty years later, I began having panic attacks. Turns out these anxiety bursts were a result of feeling responsible for my dad’s death. After all, I was a trained lifeguard and didn’t even think about doing CPR. When they asked for permission to turn off the machines, I nodded.

So, I got to go back and say goodbye all over again. I pictured myself back in that hospital room. I asked for forgiveness. I expressed my regrets. I told him for the millionth time (so it seemed) that I loved him. I thanked him for all he did for me.

This past week, on his death anniversary, I said goodbye again. The memories cascaded down upon me. Gratitude swelled in my heart.

Saying goodbye isn’t a once-and-done thing. We say goodbye in many ways, over and over again.

Did you get a chance to say goodbye to your loved one? What was that like?

Have you found yourself saying goodbye again and again?

Feel free to leave a comment and share your answers to any of the above questions.

Thanks for reading this. I’m honored to be with you on this journey.

Take good care of yourself today. We need you.

P.S. My first book was actually called Saying Goodbye, co-authored with New York Times Bestselling Author Cecil Murphey. I’ll be having a massive sale on this warm, practical, illustrated gift book soon. Stay tuned.


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