I live in south-central Texas. Right now, it’s a mess. We’re freezing.

It hardly ever gets below freezing here. Shoot, I have two palm trees in my backyard. Over the last five days, we’ve had single digit temps with sub-zero wind chills.

Where you live, this might be the usual fare for this time of year. For us down here, this is unheard of.

You’ve probably heard of our power grid failures. As much as 80% of my county has been without power. Many have been without heat for days. Many do not have water either. Communities have set up “warming stations” where people can go (if they can get there) and escape the cold and darkness for a little while.

This could be the worst winter storm in Texas history – and it’s reminded me of the grief process.

The Storm We Weren’t Prepared For

See if the following statements remind you of parts of your grief journey…

This situation has never happened before. We didn’t expect this. We weren’t prepared. Intensity of the storm stunned us.

Things we counted we counted on failed – things that we had no control over. We were thrust into an unwanted, unwelcome, and difficult (even dangerous) situation.

We’re dealing with this unexpected, harsh reality as best we can. Our usual routines are gone. For many, life has become about survival. 

We’re finding ways to communicate with those around us who are experiencing the same thing. We listen, attempt to encourage one another, and help each other as we can.

We get no assurances about when power will be restored. We do what we can, with our focus being to take care of ourselves and each other. We wait expectantly for warmer weather. We know this will not last forever.

Have you experienced any of these things in your grief journey? If so, feel free to share. Reply to this email. Vent. Ask questions. We all need to express how we’re doing and what’s happening inside us.

The Ongoing Grief Storm

Losing someone we love – and loss in general – can create a harsh, even debilitating storm. Unlike the current upheaval in Texas, our grief storms last far longer than a week.

Though our personal grief storms are all different, we’re in this together. You are not alone, though many times I know it feels that way.

Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself and those around you. Do what you can to take good care of yourself. We need each other. We need you.

P.S. On a much lighter note, I have a new book coming out in a few weeks. Stay tuned for more info soon.


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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