Christmas is upon us. It’s no secret the holiday season is extremely difficult for those of us who are grieving.

Thinking back…

This year has been tumultuous. We all want to see 2020 disappearing in our rear view mirror. We’ve lost so much.

The losses of 2020 have piled up. We’ve lost routines, jobs, and finances. We’ve lost a sense of predictability, stability, and safety. We’ve lost loved ones. We’ve lost life as we knew it.

We’ve endured upheaval and uncertainty. We live in an atmosphere of anxiety, fear, distrust, division, and unrest. Anger, bitterness, and even hatred have become commonplace.

And here we are, on Christmas Eve.

Looking back, we wince and weep.

Looking forward, perhaps we hope for better. Our losses, however, can condition our hearts to be wary and skeptical.

So allow me to share my Christmas wish for myself. Call them “Christmas Affirmations,” if you will. Perhaps your heart will resonate with some of these things. Perhaps you’ll even find a few things you want to embrace along with me.

Amid a world of loss and pain, I will give myself permission to hurt and to grieve.

Amid all the negative messages, I will guard my heart and seek to be more loving than ever before.

Amid the fear, anger, and hatred, I will relentlessly pursue peace, wisdom, and understanding.

Amid an environment of accusations, suspicions, and name-calling, I will be quick to listen, slow to speak, and quick to forgive.

Amid a world of uncertainty, I will be a kind and compassionate hope-giver.

Amid a life of grief, obstacles, and challenges, I will overcome adversity and use pain and grief as fuel for good, and help others do the same.

Amid a world desperately in need of hope and healing, I will continue to heal, grow, and become a difference-maker for good, and invite others to join me in the difference-making journey.

Thinking farther back…

I think back to the first Christmas. It was a time of political upheaval and uncertainty. Economically, things weren’t good. Problems, unrest, fear, and anger were everywhere.

Amid such a world, a stunning, unexpected story unfolds.

As a result of a government mandate, a socially-isolated, economically challenged young couple journey 90 miles on foot to a small town to be registered for a census. The young woman, most likely in her mid-teens, is pregnant and goes into labor.

They desperately search for a place to stay, but the little town is already busting at the seams and has nothing to offer.
Later that evening, a child is born. His first set of clothes are rags. His first bed is an animal feed trough.

Meanwhile, a group of shepherds on a hillside outside of town are suddenly stunned by the appearance of angels. Amid the deep dark of night, they are drenched in heavenly light. Even more stunning is the message the shepherds are given.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news which is for all people. Today, a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ, the Lord. You will find this baby wrapped in rags, lying in a feed trough. Glory to God, and peace to those on whom His favor rests.”

At a time of unrest and uncertainty – “Do not be afraid.”

At a time when bad news reigned and the power brokers exerted control – God speaks to a motley group of shepherds and says, “I bring you good news.”

At a time when frustrated, angry, wounded people were desperately needing hope – a history-changing baby was quietly born in obscurity, “wrapped in rags, lying in a feed trough.”

Strange. Backwards. Upside down. Amazing.

Looking forward…

Put simply, tons of terrible, nasty, awful, and painful stuff has taken place this year. It’s time for something different.

It’s time for some light to shine amid this present darkness.

It’s time to hear again the angelic message. No matter how things appear, “Do not be afraid.”

It’s time for “good news.”

More light. Less fear. Good news. Hope.

I wish you a blessed, meaningful, and peaceful Christmas and holiday season.

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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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