My book Heartbroken: Healing from the Loss of a Spouse is now five years old. This fact, along with our August focus on Honoring Widowed Spouses, led me to pull Heartbroken from the shelf and give it a once over.

I thought, “You know what? This book could use some updating.”

So we spruced Heartbroken up a bit. We updated the colors. We added some nice graphics inside. We inserted some writing prompts and journal pages every five chapters or so. The book has turned out to be an important resource for many, and we wanted to make sure it was as up to date and effective as possible.

Again, this updated edition is due to be released in about 10 days.

Though the book is five years old, I know that Heartbroken is new to many of you. So I decided to give you a peek at the introduction. See what you think (and stay tuned for more info about the new edition!)…


I’m so sorry.

If you’re reading this book, chances are you’re enduring one of the greatest losses a human being can experience. You’ve lost your spouse.


This death is unlike any other. She was your partner. He was your soul mate. The two of you became one. Now you feel less than whole. It seems like part of you died too.

Perhaps your marriage was strained, and now the hope for anything different is gone. Maybe regrets piled up over the years. This is a different kind of pain.

As a hospice chaplain and pastor, I’ve had the honor of serving hundreds of widows and widowers as they walk through this difficult and confusing valley. I’ve been astounded by their honesty and inspired by their courage. It’s their pain, wisdom, and healing that I share with you in this book.


In the following pages, you’ll find over 60 readings inspired by the words and experiences of grieving widows and widowers.

Each entry…

  • Addresses a specific challenge bereaved spouses face.
  • Contains an affirmation designed to encourage healthy grieving .
  • Concludes with a related thought and inspirational quote.

The readings are divided into three parts:

Part One: Managing the Emotions – addresses the raw and difficult emotions involved in your loss.

Part Two: Navigating the Relationships – focuses on your relationships and the role other people can play in your recovery and healing.

Part Three: Leaning Forward – looks at how to re-engage in life and accept your new normal.

Here’s an important thing to remember: Each reading stands on its own, so they can be tackled in any order.

You may decide to read them sequentially. Or you might jump around, depending on what you happen to be dealing with on any given day. It’s up to you. Listen to your heart.

Some entries will be more emotional than others. Some will not be easy or fun. Don’t get in a hurry. Take your time. Consider keeping a journal and writing personal responses to each reading. Processing your thoughts and feelings is crucial to healthy grieving.

Each of the three main sections begins and ends with a chapter designed to help you move through your grief process. In addition, I’ve included some supplementary material with suggestions and resources to help you recover and heal.


Grieving is hard work. I’m glad you’ve decided to invest in doing it well. You’re taking care of you, and that’s the best thing you can do for yourself and those around you.

So, hang on. The ride may get bumpy. Move ahead at your own pace. Let the words of fellow grievers sink in and touch your heart. You’re not crazy, and you’re far from alone.

Taken from Heartbroken: Healing from the Loss of a Spouse. View the brief book video here.


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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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