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Difference-making begins in the mind and the heart. How we think about things – what thoughts we allow to reside in our minds – determines a lot. Our mindset – what we choose to set our minds on – has powerful influence.

Amid the current COVID-19 crisis, I’ve personally experienced a plethora of emotions: sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, fear, anxiety, guilt, and even depression. My mind spins. My thoughts bounce all over the place. I’ve struggled to adjust and pivot to make the most of this new territory we find ourselves in.

Now, backing up a bit and looking with a little more perspective, I’ve identified three mindset battles I’ve been fighting on almost a moment-by-moment basis.

See if you can relate.

Mindset Battle #1: Fear vs. Faith

I’m normally an optimistic person. I also come from a background of trauma and abuse. I get triggered easily by certain situations, circumstances, or people.

As a result, fear is something I experience quite a bit.

Difference Makers don’t resolve to never be afraid. That’s impossible. We would be something other than human if we could do that. Instead, when fear strikes, we acknowledge it. We do the internal work necessary to release it and let it pass on through. We choose to embrace something better and far more productive than fear: Faith.

Faith that we are not in charge and this is not up to us.

Faith that no matter how things appear, now is not forever. Things will change.

Faith that we will get through this, together.

Faith that we can use the current crisis as fuel to propel us forward into even greater difference-making service.

Faith that we will have what we need when we need it.

We are fundamentally receivers. All that we have, we have received. Even our achievements are the result of abilities and talents that we did not develop all by ourselves in a vacuum. We are interdependent, receiving creatures.

Difference-making is about taking what we’ve received and giving it away in love and service to those around us.

Let the fear you experience lead you to faith.

Mindset Battle #2: Reaction vs. Response

When we get surprised, we react. Reaction is a reflex of sorts.

This virus surprised us. We found ourselves trying to surf a tsunami of change. We all experienced loss – and then more loss – and then more loss. Our routines were scuttled. Our normal way of life came to a screeching halt.

Reaction is natural and immediate. Response is a choice.

Instead of merely reacting, Difference Makers learn to pause when hit by something new. We wait. We consider. Perhaps we consult other Difference Makers. Finally – whether it be in a few minutes, hours, or days – we respond.

Difference Makers don’t sit around telling themselves, “I will not react. I will not react.” You will react, in some way. Over time, Difference Makers learn not to let the original reflex drive them recklessly forward in deeper reactivity. Instead, they acknowledge the reflex, consider what it might mean, and then move into response mode.

When you react, cut yourself some slack. Breathe deeply. Forgive yourself. Move into thoughtful response mode.


  • You have always have options, even if you can’t see them yet.
  • You will not get this perfect, but you can respond in love, compassion, and service.
  • You can respond well, but that doesn’t guarantee a good response from everyone around you. How others react is more about them than it is about you.

The world is always in a hurry. You don’t have to be.

Reflex. Pause. Consider. Respond.

Mindset Battle #3: Defense vs. Offense

When we get hit, most of us initially pull inward. If the threat is large enough, we retreat into our fortress and raise the drawbridge. When under siege, we naturally hunker down and hope the danger passes quickly.

Most of us have been wounded in life – perhaps a lot. The more wounded we are, the more likely that our default mechanism for dealing with uncertainty is to play defense.

Protect what we have.

Minimize the damage.

Be careful. Play it safe.

Steel ourselves and brace for the worst.

Make no mistake, defense is important in any sport – and in life. Threats and dangers are real. When the COVID-19 tsunami began to form, we saw it coming and braced for impact. We marshaled our defenses and frantically prepared for the onslaught.

Once the virus arrived, some Difference Makers (while still playing defense) began thinking offense. Underneath all the defensive measures, offensive tactics, strategies, and actions began to emerge.

Sheltering-in- place, being quarantined, and living under lockdown might on the surface appear to be defensive maneuvers. In reality, we’re aggressively and sacrificially protecting the lives of others while protecting ourselves. We’re on the offensive. 

Difference Makers play defense well, but are always thinking offensively.

Difference Makers think differently.

Mindset is massive.

Difference Makers use fear to build faith.

We learn to react less and respond more.

Something inside propels us forward. We think outside the box. We get more creative.

We plan, but expect interruption, opposition, and some failure. When we fail, we fail forward.

When what we do doesn’t work, we pivot. While playing some defense, we live on offense. We pivot, pivot, and pivot again – as many times as necessary.

We keep our why in clear focus. We gaze steadily at our mission. We will not be dissuaded – not by a virus – not by anything. We are here to love, to serve, and to make a difference.

Difference Makers will guide the world through this process.

Difference Makers will rebuild what has been lost and somehow make it better than before.

Difference Makers will learn from all this and find ways to have even more impact for good.

Yes, mindset matters – more than you realize. Check yours today. Check it every day.

You are a Difference Maker. We need you.

If you don’t have a copy, check out Difference Maker: Overcoming Adversity and Turning Pain into Purpose Every Day (2020 Book Excellence Award Winner for Personal Development)

Additional Recommended Resources:

Pandemic Lesson: 3 Big Things I’ve Learned –

5 Tips: Grief, Fear, and Coronavirus –

Difference Maker – Daily Authors Podcast


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8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays

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GRIEF: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known


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