Today’s post is adapted from my recent book, Difference Maker. Whether your loss is fresh, years back there, or somewhere in the middle, I believe you can make a profound difference in this hurting, grieving world – even if you feel like a mess. Read on and see what you think…

Life and loss can put us in danger. Healthy living is a battle, and I’m inviting you — asking you — to fight.

Fight for yourself. Fight for those you care about. Fight for all those around you. Fight to make a difference in a broken and hurting world that desperately needs you.

Yes, you. You can make far more of a difference than you realize.

Difference-making has little to do with, in my opinion, how much money you have, what kind of place you live in, how talented you are, or your level of education.

Difference-making is about your heart. We all have one of those. Anyone can be a Difference Maker, anytime, anywhere.

You might feel depressed, anxious, worthless, and deeply wounded. Th at might be how you feel now, but now is not the future.

One of the greatest lies we can believe is, “It will always be this way.” The companion lie that follows it is even more devastating: “I will always be this way.”


Now is not forever. Things will change. You can change. You can heal and grow. Again, I’m asking you to fight. You’re worth it. So are those around you.

What’s This Battle All About?

This battle — the right to become the Difference Maker you were designed to be — is all-important. It is a fight for your heart.

Your heart is your most prized possession. All of your life comes from it, one way or another. What you do with your heart is the most important thing about you.

Your heart wants to be significant and to make a difference. Deep down, you know you were made for impact. You long for purpose and meaning.

This battle is about finding and unearthing your heart.

Maybe your heart has been buried. Perhaps it’s suffocating. It gets pounded every day with powerful messages, traumatic images, and an overwhelming amount of information. The world spins quickly. Life moves with blazing speed. You get hit, hurt, and wounded. The world drags on, and pulls you along with it.

You’ve been hyperventilating inside without even knowing it. You’re nervous. Anxious. Scared.

Inside, way down deep, your heart is screaming.

Your heart is in danger.

If you don’t act, the world and the hits of life will likely silence it. You can’t afford to let that happen.

You must find your heart. You must dig it out from amid all the debris it’s buried under.

You must free your heart. When you do, difference-making will become automatic.

Freeing the heart, however, isn’t easy, quick, or simple. At first, it’s easy to confuse the world’s voice with your own. You’ve gotten used taking in messages from the outside. If these messages are powerful and frequent enough, you can begin believing them. You begin to hear messages that did not come from you in your own voice. This is the gutsiest part of the fight. The battlefield is your mind.

You must become aware of and expose the lies you’ve been living.  Then you must discover the truth about yourself and those around you. Then you must believe and begin to live out who you really are, from your heart. We’ll so this together in the pages ahead.

As you do these things, you’ll find yourself living more and more from your heart. You’ll become more of who you were designed and destined to be.

You’ll be a Difference Maker.

Adapted from the newly released Difference Maker: Overcoming Adversity and Turning Pain into Purpose, Every Day.

Question: Have you experienced some of this “fight” in your life and grief process? Do you sense your heart is in danger? How so?

Additional Resources:

Difference Maker – Daily Authors Podcast

The Unusual 3-Step Stress Buster –

Living on the Edge: How to Fight and Win the Battle for Your Mind and Heart


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