When loss strikes, our hearts shake. Our souls tremble. The world will never be the same.

The following post is geared toward those of you who have lost life partners, adapted from the newly released Comfort for the Grieving Spouse’s Heart. The shaking of the heart, however, applies to all of us.


I don’t know where to start.

My love, my mate, my partner is gone.

I don’t know what to think or how to feel. It’s like I’ve been hit by a brick.

I’m stunned. Dazed. How did this happen? How could it? Why?

My mind is spinning. I want to scream. I open my mouth, but nothing comes. No, this cannot be.

Where are you? Where did you go? My heart is shaking. The world has changed.

Love is powerful. We’re wired for connection and relationship. We’re designed to love and be loved. No wonder the loss of a spouse is difficult to understand, let alone experience.

When a mate leaves, dies, or is taken from us, our minds alternately spin and then freeze. Our hearts tremble. Our bodies can be immobilized by the shock. We’re stunned. We blink and wonder what happened, how, and why.

It feels as though the world has changed because it has. Our world has been altered forever. Someone we love desperately is missing.

Even if we’ve had other losses, this one is different. This loss affects everything. We gasp and breathe. And then we breathe again and again. Slowly. Deeply.    

Affirmation: I’m stunned. Dazed. I must breathe…

Adapted from the newly released Comfort for the Grieving Spouse’s Heart: Hope and Healing After Losing Your Partner.

Question: Is your heart shaking today? Feel free to comment and share what’s happening inside. We’re in this together.

Additional Recommended Resources:

10 Spiritual Truths about Loss and Healing – Belief Net

5 Tips for Overcoming Worry and Fear – The Parenting Bookmark

3 Tips for Grieving at Work – garyroe.com


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