“For a while, we tried to forget. That was impossible. So we chose to deliberately remember and tell his story to whomever would listen,” Amanda shared.

Amanda and Garland’s son Boyd was their middle child. He fell in love with hockey at age 4. The game became his obsession. By the time he was 16, his skills on the ice were impressive.

One night, Boyd and three teammates were on their way home from practice and hit a large patch of black ice. The resulting head-on collision killed all but one of the boys and the other driver. Boyd was 18.

“Boyd’s coach asked about doing a memorial game to honor the boys and raise teen driving safety awareness. We agreed. It was a huge hit. The next year, it was even bigger and better. Last month, we had the 5th annual memorial game. It’s the biggest event in the city now. And traffic fatalities are way down the last three years,” Garland said.

“I can almost see Boyd smiling in heaven,” Amanda added.

Memorials can be powerful, and healing

We will always remember. And we can use these memories to honor our loved one, help our families grieve in a healthy manner, and even impact a community for good.

How? By initiating memorials.

Memorials can be almost anything. They are usually built off the personality and passions of our loved one. If they were an infant or toddler, the memorial can come from what we as parents hoped for them.

Here are some memorials others have chosen to honor their loved one and impact lives:

  • Annual memorial soccer game followed by hot dog cook out
  • Make a quilt honoring your them and display it
  • Annual teen driving safety assembly at the local high school
  • Paint a rock in memory of your loved one. Use acrylic paint and spray with clear sealer. Put it in your garden, use as a doorstop, or place beside their monument.
  • Give a tree in memory of your loved one to a local park or charity.
  • Tennis tournament and drug awareness program.
  • Have a party with friends at a paint-it-yourself business. Ask people to donate a few extra dollars for a charity gift in your loved one’s honor.
  • Memorial baseball game with a brief suicide-prevention program
  • Memorial water-bottle giveaway on a hot summer day in a prominent location
  • Memory walk to raise funds for charity
  • Have an artist friend draw or paint a portrait of your loved one from a picture, or try it yourself.
  • Memorial community cookout and fireworks show
  • Community pizza party with alcohol safety awareness program

You get the idea.

Not only are we remembering our loved one and celebrating their life, but we’re also modeling healthy, positive grieving to a world that can be clueless. We keep their memory out there. We’re not afraid to speak their name, and no one else should be either. We shout it out, and invite others to celebrate them with us.

Our loved one mattered. They still do, and always will. Memorials give us a target, a focused avenue to express our love. Lives will be changed for the better because of them.

“I’ll find memorials that will honor you and bring a smile to your face. I love you.”

Adapted from the 2017 USA Best Book Awards Finalist and Amazon bestseller, Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child.

Question: What ideas/memorials can you think of that would honor your loved one?

Additional Recommended Resources:

We Speak Their Name – 5 Suggestions for Honoring Our Loved Ones

3 Tips for Living from Those Who are Dying – Professors House

Life and Grief with Gary Roe – Hungry for Happiness Podcast


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