Have you been lied to?

Most definitely. By the world. By other people. By yourself. We all have.

The following post is adapted from my recent book, Difference Maker. The lies we’ve bought into over time influence us more than we realize, including how we grieve and relate to others. See what you think…


We all have them, somewhere deep inside us. They could be messages that were given to us. Perhaps we heard them from others around us through words, body language, actions, or absence. They could even be things that we made up, internalized, and now act on.

You get bombarded with messages every day. Not all of them are true. Some are true, but not helpful. Others might even be mean and cruel.

Your heart senses these messages. They swirl around you, seeking a way in. All of them effect you, but you get to decide which ones linger in your mind and slip into your heart. Ultimately, you choose what you’re going to believe.

When you were younger, however, you naturally believed the words and actions of those around you — especially family and others you spent a lot of time with. These messages shaped your mind and heart. They influenced you profoundly.

Though these messages came from others, over time you got so used to them that you began hearing them in your own voice. You began telling yourself, “I’m this…I’m that.”

What are some of the more common lies we believe? They usually include some version of the following words:






Not good enough.


These words, and the ideas that come from them, spear the heart. They penetrate to the core of our being. Like little viruses injected one message at a time, they can wreak havoc in every area of life.

These words form the foundation from which lies are constructed. If the foundation is flawed, everything you build on top of it will be affected. You need to make sure what you’re constructing – your life – is on solid, level ground.

It’s time for a foundation inspection. Time to unearth the lies, the enemies of your heart.  

Difference Makers are on guard against the lies that have infiltrated their hearts. To the foes of our hearts: Look out. We’re coming for you.

Adapted from the newly released Difference Maker: Overcoming Adversity and Turning Pain into Purpose, Every Day.

Question: Do you sense there are some lies buried deep inside that influence your behavior or grief process? How so? What have you found helpful in combating these lies?

Related Recommended Resources:

Difference Maker – Interview on Daily Authors Podcast

Taking Care of Ourselves By Aknowledging Others – Happify

5 Tips for Having More Impact Than You Dreamed Possible – Dr. Laura


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