The following is adapted from the Book Excellence Award Winner,  Teen Grief: Caring for the Grieving Teenage Heart.

If you’re grieving, you’ll be able to relate to this, whether or not you have teens. Grief hits our bodies too. Has grief gotten physical with you?

Loss can impact us physically, and teens are no exception. Weird physical sensations and troubling symptoms can make their already challenging lives even more difficult to navigate.

From the Grieving Teen’s Heart


What’s happening to me?

I have headaches. My stomach hurts. I’m tense and nervous, even when I’m relaxing. I’ve been sick a lot. I catch every little bug that comes along. I’m exhausted, all the time.

I go through the motions. I smile through the headaches and the stomach pain. I feel nauseated, a lot.

I must keep going. Smile, girl, and keep your head down.



I feel like crap. I’m tired all the time. My heart beats weird sometimes. I can’t sleep at night and I can’t stay awake at school. I think I’m losing weight. Nothing tastes good.

I trip over stuff. I stumble even when there’s nothing in front of me.

My shoulders are in knots. My head and neck are stiff and tight. My chest is heavy. I can’t get enough air sometimes.

I can’t think straight. I’m exhausted and alone.


Loss has great physical impact

Loss not only hits the heart and the emotions but the body as well. Many experience headaches, stomach distress, and muscle tightness. Heaviness in the chest, palpitations, and chest pain are not unusual. Dizziness, vertigo, and trembling afflict many. We get sick more often.

Teens are growing, developing, and maturing at a phenomenal pace. Unless they experience chronic illness or health issues, most will see themselves as invincible and indestructible. The grief toll on even a healthy teen body can mount over time.

You can make a difference

What can you do?

First, be aware of and respect the impact that a loss can have on a teen’s overall physical health (and yours too!).

Losing someone we care about is like being smacked by a tsunami. To expect to walk away from such a blow unaffected is unrealistic.

Second, know that experiencing unusual physical symptoms can be disturbing or even alarming.

Pain and bodily distress can stoke their fears, raising concerns of serious illness or even death.

Some teens can identify so much with the departed loved one that they experience some of the same symptoms they did

Third, if appropriate and helpful, remind the teen (and yourself) how powerful grief can be physically.

If they’re willing, ask teens to talk about how they feel physically and how what they’re experiencing might be connected to their loss and the resulting grief.

Don’t hesitate to seek medical advice or treatment. Let the examining physician know about the teen’s loss so they can keep this in mind. Emotions can be so overwhelming that medical help is needed to manage the resulting physical upheaval.

Fourth, don’t expect perfection of yourself as the teen’s parent, guide, or mentor.

Your job is to love the teen as best you can, in the situation, using the resources and wisdom you have. If you’re grieving, this applies to you too!

Fifth, one way to deal with the physical toll of grief is to be as proactively healthy as possible.

Nutrition. Do what you can to encourage healthy eating.

Hydration. Grief stress can throw the body out of its natural homeostasis. Supplementing with the right fluids can go a long way in supporting the grieving teen’s health.

Exercise. Exercise can relieve a great deal of anxiety. It also releases endorphins which the teen desperately needs while grieving. Physical training can bring a sense of well-being and peace.

Health professionals. Having a physician and a mental health or grief professional within your reach is a huge plus.

Sixth, be aware of any unresolved grief running around in your own heart.

Unresolved grief might be affecting you physically. Process what you know is there. Reach out for assistance as needed.

What you do impacts the teens around you greatly. Model responsible grieving and healthy living. The results can be extraordinary.

Grief can produce disturbing physical symptoms. Most of these will pass as the grieving person adjusts and heals.

Question: Have you experienced new or exacerbated physical symptoms in your grief process? What has helped you navigate this?

Additional Resources:

5 Steps for When Grief Gets Physical –

Weird Symptoms: When Grief Gets Physical –


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