In grief, we wonder. What else could happen? Who’s next? Our questions can grow more frantic, and fear can begin to surface.

From the Grieving Heart:

I miss you. 

If this could happen to you, what else might happen? And to whom?

Frankly, it’s terrifying. Anything could happen to anyone at any time. One minute you’re here, and the next you’re gone. What kind of world is this? Who’s next? Is it me?

I want to take everyone I care about and go somewhere safe where nothing bad can ever happen. No more loss. No more departures. No more pain and grief. 

I know there is good all around me, but I can’t seem to see it right now. All I can think about is you. Like a rubber band, I can distance myself from grief for a little while, only to be snapped back to this unpleasant reality of life without you. 

I don’t like this life right now. I don’t like myself. I miss my old life. I miss me. 

We naturally try to protect ourselves and those we love.

We know we’ll all die someday. We know all those we love will one day say goodbye and depart. Yet, we shudder to think of such things. We hunker down, hoping to somehow keep death and loss at bay.

Our stunned hearts naturally begin wondering where the next blow will fall. Who? When? Where? How? We start to sense our own mortality.

Being wired for relationships, it’s not surprising we try to avoid loss at all costs. We try to control people and circumstances to minimize any unpleasantness, hardship, and emotional pain. When loss strikes, and we realize how little control we have, our souls begin to shudder with the possibilities of what might happen next.

In other words, fear will come. Here are 3 tips for handling fear when it visits.

  1. Accept that fear will come knocking.

Instead of trying to avoid fear or protect yourself from it, accept the fact that it will come. Fear will knock on the door of your heart. When it does, the goal to use it for good rather than allowing it to hijack your mind and make a home in your life.

  1. Instead of fleeing from fear, acknowledge and identify it.

Instead of reacting by trying to run, hide, or deny its presence, respond by acknowledging the fear. “I’m afraid.” Identify the fear, if you can. “I’m afraid I’m going to lose another loved one.”

Simply acknowledging and identifying the fear will help unplug its power.

  1. Be patient with yourself as you find ways to use fear for good.

When fear presents itself, breathe deeply and tell yourself you can deal with this. Even when you feel like you fail, take heart. Forgive yourself quickly and visualize yourself handling things differently next time. Even three steps forward and two steps back adds up to a lot of movement forward over time.

Focus on using fear to help you grieve in healthy ways. You’ll be surprised at the fear-handling skills you can develop over the weeks and months ahead.

After the death of his wife, C. S. Lewis said, “No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” Indeed. Fear will come. It is a natural and common part of grief.

Affirmation: When fear comes, I’ll try to acknowledge it, identify it, and release it.

Adapted from the 2018 Best Book Award Winner, Comfort for Grieving Hearts: Hope and Encouragement for Times of Loss.

Question: Have you encountered fear in your grief process? What has been helpful to you? 

Related Resources:

Take a Break from Depression – Thrive Global

Grief, Anxiety, and Panic Attacks – The Grief Toolbox


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