Patience. I seem to struggle with that. 

I guess that’s not surprising. I live in a world where I can google “repairs” and get over 3 billion results in 0.76 seconds. Daily life moves at warp speed. Everything seems to be changing all the time. The pace is dizzying. 

I don’t have time to wait for anything. No wonder I feel impatient. 

On top of this, I tend to be hard on myself. I demand a lot from me. And when I get hit by loss, ironically I tend to expect even more. I don’t even try to be patient with myself.

Sad, right?

And yet, life requires patience – lots of it. Especially when we’re hurting from a loss.

Our hearts are stunned, broken, and perhaps even shattered. We need space to breathe, grieve, and do less somehow. We don’t often give ourselves this space. Other people don’t seem to give it to us either. 


I find myself thinking about this because of a recent interview I did regarding my book, Please Be Patient, I’m Grieving. I reminded myself, through my own written words, to give myself a break now and then. 

Maybe you need a break too. If you’re not familiar with the book (or even if you are), please take a listen to the interview. We grieving hearts can feel so misunderstood. It hurts. We need support, acceptance, and love. We need patience. 

I’m going to practice breathing deeply for a few moments. Would you care to join me?

Be patient with yourself today.

Question: Do you tend to be hard on yourself – even when you’re grieving? Has anything helped you be more patient with yourself? Thanks in advance for sharing…


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