“I’m not the same person. Neither is Dave. Who am I now? Who are we?” asked Alexandra.

Alexandra and Dave’s son Duke was their only child. He was a talkative kid, with an active imagination. He was the superhero of the neighborhood, with a strong preference for Batman and Thor.

Despite watchful and involved parents, Duke began to run with a questionable crowd. In high school, he got into drugs. He pursued some college, but never followed through consistently. He had trouble holding down a job. One morning, Duke’s roommate found him unconscious on the floor. His death was ruled an accidental overdose. Duke was 25.

“Duke’s death was complicated. So is our grief. I miss him. I miss me. I miss our family,” Alexandra shared.


Loss can create an identity crisis

“I miss me.” I’ve heard that many times from grieving hearts. I’ve felt it myself. Here are 5 reason why intense grief and cause us to question our own identity.

1. The loss strikes you at the core of your being.

It’s as if part of us has been suddenly, perhaps forcefully, stolen away. What happened? Where did they go?

Your heart has been struck. Perhaps even your soul is shaking.

2. Your loved one’s absence permeates everything.

You’re used to our loved ones’ presence. Now, they’re gone. Their absence changes everything – every dynamic, every relationship. You feel yourself changing too.

The person you were, along with the life and family you knew, has been altered forever. Who are you now?

This can throw us into an identity crisis. Part of us has disappeared. What do we do with that?

3. Secondary losses emerge and begin to multiply. 

Like waves on a beach, the unwanted changes keep rolling in, continual and relentless. The after-shocks pound you. Collateral damage piles up. Who knew so many little deaths could come from one big one?

You’re stunned and reeling. It feels like you’re in a free fall with no safety net.

4. Fear of even more loss comes knocking.

You brace ourselves and wonder what will happen next. You go into fortress-mode, trying desperately to control the damage and protect who and what you have left.

You sense your heart and life changing, shifting. You hold your breath, hoping that all this will soon stop and be over somehow. You have dreams about the way things were.

5. The unwelcome reality sets in.

Finally, reality sets in. They’re not coming back. The world seems empty. Everything has changed.

You gaze into the mirror. Who is that? You look different. You are different. Perhaps you barely recognize yourself.

This identity crisis is a natural and common experience for those suffering a heavy loss. Weathering this storm takes guts. You’re in uncharted waters with almost no idea where this violent wind might drive you.

In most cases, this identity crisis will be temporary. As you process the grief, you will adapt, adjust, heal, and grow (though any and all of these might seem impossible on any given day). But you will not go back to who you were. That’s impossible. You walk now with a pronounced limp. Every step reminds you of the shattering blow you’ve experienced.

Take heart. You are not alone. You’re not crazy. You will get through this.

“I don’t know who I am or who I’ll become, but I’ll never be the same. I don’t want to be.”

Adapted from the award-winning bestseller, Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child. Watch the Shattered videos here: Gary, Michelle.

Question: Have you faced an identity crisis in your grief? What was that like? What helped?


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