Worry. Anxiety. Fear. Panic.

Most of us are familiar with these things.

“I’m having trouble sleeping. My mind won’t settle. I’m nervous and fidgety. I can’t concentrate,” Mary said, gently rocking back and forth.

“In fact, I seem to be anxious about everything,” she concluded.

Mary had recently lost her husband, Trevor. No wonder she was anxious.

Here are three quick reasons anxiety is natural and okay in times of grief.

1. Your heart has been hit. 

Your heart has been smacked. You’re stunned and shaken. Even if death is expected, it’s still a shock when you’re loved one takes their last breath.

Anxiety often accompanies grief. Even normally calm individuals have their share during a loss.

2. You’re in uncharted territory.

Everything is changing. You’re grieving what you lost. You don’t know what’s ahead. You’ve never been here before. Even if you’ve had multiple losses, this one is new and different. Some anxiety would be natural.

3. Your brain thinks you’re in danger.

Grief initiates a fight-or-flight response. Your brain interprets you’re in danger, and it acts to protect you. Anxiety preps you to do battle or to run.

Give yourself a break. If you’re expecting to sail through this, that’s not realistic. You’ll get anxious, and that’s okay.

 Here’s an affirmation for today:

“I may get anxious, but that doesn’t mean I’m in danger. It will pass.” 

If you’re experiencing panic attacks and anxiety is impairing your life, it’s time to seek professional help.

Contact your medical doctor or a mental health professional (the best route is to use both). They’ll help you devise a plan for managing your emotions during this time.

Needing help isn’t weakness. Seeking help is courageous and wise.


Adapted from Heartbroken: Healing from the Loss of a Spouse (Best Book Award Finalist, National Indie Excellence Award Finalist).

Question: Have you experienced anxiety and panic as part of your grief process? Have you been hard on yourself about this? What seems to have helped?

Additional resource: We live in an anxious, fearful world. Check out my article on Wellness.com, The 5 Step Anti-Anxiety Prescription. If you like the article, help us reach more people by sharing on your favorite social media.


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