[dropcap2 variation=”coffee”]D[/dropcap2]o you feel like your day is spent running in circles, putting out fires, and never really moving forward? If so, perhaps your life has come to be ruled by the urgent.
In college I read a booklet called “Tyranny of the Urgent” by Charles Hummel. The basic premise was we get into trouble when the urgent takes precedence over the important. We get frustrated and fatigued. We become anxious and discouraged. Over time our passion wanes and we lose our sense of mission. Finally, we burn out.
The task becomes to define what’s really important and spend the best of our energies there. If it’s urgent and important, it goes to the top of the list.
So what’s urgent and important in your world today? If you set about doing that, chances are your heart will become more settled. As you do more of what’s really important, you’ll begin to see the urgent stuff differently.
After all, some of what claims to be urgent is just noise.