[dropcap2 variation=”coffee”]S[/dropcap2]everal decades ago, Gordon MacDonald penned a book called, “Ordering Your Private World.” Its message was cold water to my thirsty soul. Tend to your heart. Pay attention to the deepest part of you. Order your internal world, so you begin to live out who you are rather than be squeezed into some other mold.
Does your private world need ordering? Mine still does. In fact, my internal world needs constant attention.
It’s a bit like making your bed in the morning, cleaning the kitchen, or doing the laundry. Ordering your internal life is not a once and done thing. It’s daily, hourly, moment-by-moment stuff.
Take a moment now. Look inside. What do you see?
Consider these key questions:
- What’s out of place?
- What’s elevated itself beyond its actual importance?
- What’s been neglected and needs to be nurtured?
- What’s lurking in the closet and needs to be dealt with?
Order inside leads to order outside. Internal order is going to take time and focus. A marathon begins with that first step. Begin. Take a step by making one decision today: What will you start doing to tend more to your heart and your internal world?