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[dropcap2 variation=”coffee”]W[/dropcap2]hat makes temptation tempting?

Every temptation that you face is legitimate. Each and every one is aimed at an honest, legit human need.

You see, God designed you to be needy. You need love, acceptance, safety, provision, meaning, and significance. You hunger for these things, and your heart searches incessantly for them.

Temptation is not dumb. It goes for the jugular. It targets real needs and it clothes its approach in promises. When you give in you might experience a little relief or a temporary high, only to be followed quickly by a barrage of shame and guilt. And here’s the corker: the need is never met. The need remains, primed for the next fiery dart. What a set-up! Nope, temptation is far from stupid. It is very strategic.

So let’s think about this for a moment.

Where do you get hit most often? Where does temptation choose to strike you the most? You’re vulnerable in that area, and the more you get wounded there, the more vulnerable you become. After a while scar tissue builds up. You get tired of being defeated, so you give up. Perhaps you rationalize it somehow. “Well, that’s just how I’m wired.” “I guess I really need this.” “I can’t fight all the battles, so I’ll let this one go.”

Take a deep breath. Battle is part of your destiny, and this is part of the battle. Let’s back up and ask the question “What’s your weak spot?”

Have you got it? Don’t read on until you’ve identified an area where you’re vulnerable.

Okay, now for the second question: “What real, honest need is behind that? What legitimate need is that temptation targeting?” Some of our basic needs are love, acceptance, safety, security, provision, meaning, and significance. Which of those is that temptation aimed at the most?

Got it? Good.

Now what? Don’t miss the next post…


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